Automation Werks



L Series Low-Pressure Cylinder
L15 Series 1500 PSI Cylinders
L20 Series 2000 PSI Cylinders
L30 Series 3000 PSI Cylinders
NFPA Series Hydraulic Cylinders
CD High Pressure Switch
CF High Pressure Switch
WX Series High Pressure Switch
XM Series High Pressure Switch
Pressure Gauges
NESD Pressure Switch/Transducer with Digital LED Display
NES Electronic Pressure Switch with Relay Output
NT110 Series Pressure Transducer
NTBT Wireless Bluetooth Pressure Transducer
NT100 Series Pressure Transducer
NT41 Series Pressure Transducer
NT40 Series Pressure Transducer
NT25 Series Pressure Transducer
NTBT-DL Bluetooth Pressure Transducer with data logging
NTS Series Temperature Transducer
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